Section: Software and Platforms


TTS SoJA (Speech synthesis platform in Java) is a software for text-to-speech synthesis. The aim of this software is to provide a toolkit to test some steps of natural language processing and to provide a whole system of TTS based on non uniform unit selection algorithm. The software performs all steps from the text to the speech signal. Moreover, it provides a set of tools to elaborate a corpus for a TTS system (transcription alignment, ... ). Currently, the corpus contains 1800 sentences (about 3 hours of speech) recorded by a female speaker.

Most of the modules are developed in Java. Some modules are in C. The platform is designed to make easy the addition of new modules. The software runs under Windows and Linux (tested on Mandriva, Ubuntu). It can be launch with a graphical user interface or directly integrated in a Java code or by following the client-server paradigm.

The software license should easily allow associations of impaired people to use the software. A demo web site has been built: http://soja-tts.loria.fr